It's My Life by No Doubt

Well, I have been in France for a little over a month now and all I can say is WOW!
I love this country and everything it has to offer. I have been getting a lot of questions about what I do in France so I'm taking the time to write a Week in my life IN FRANCE.
Alright here we go: (I'm going to skip all the get ready/eat dinner/ what not)

I don't start school until 9:35 so I get to sleep in, which is amazing. My first class if either Biology(SVT) or Physics, which last until 11h00. Then we have the option of going to Latin, Japonais LV3, Art Plastiques, PERM(its like study hall). I chose to be in Art Plastique, there is no way Im going to try to learn 3 languages abroad. Any-who, after that we have lunch from 12h25 until 14h00, most people eat at school, but some go of campus or go home. At 14h00 I have Histoire & Geographie, which I actually enjoy, but it last until 15h20. We get a short break until 15h35. Then I have ANGLAIS!!!! lv 1... :) Which is always enjoyable, I love the way they look at me when I speak english, its funny. The day ends at 16h30 so yea...thats monday

Everything starts bright and early, I wake up at 6h00 to catch the bus at 7h05, School starts at 8h00. My first Class of the day is Maths Informatique, which Im doing really well in (i got a 10/10 on a homework and most of the class got 9/10). That class ends at 8h55 then I have Francais which last until 9h50, then there is a break until 10h05. Then I have ANLGAIS LV Renforce (which is like a more advanced english), which ends at 11h00. Then I have Histoire & Geographie until 11h55. Then I have lunch until 13h30 and after lunch I have ANGLAIS LV 1 until 14h30. Finally from 14h30 until 16h30 I either have SVT or Physics et Chimie. Then thats finished

Everything starts semi early because I have to wake up and catch the bus but my first class isn't until 9h00, which is History. That class last until 9h55,(we have a 10-15 min break) then I have Français for 2 hours until 12h00 then I'm finished with school for the day. After school I usually go into Laval or Angers with friends.

Is very similar to Tuesday bright and early my first class is Maths Informatique, then I have Français for 2 hours, except today we get a break between the 1st hour of french and the 2nd hour. After that we have Anglais LV1 until 11h55. Then I have lunch until 13h30 and after lunch we have Sport for 2 hours. :) Then after that we have either Vie de Classe which is like Homeroom what not or we have Anglais LV1 again. Then school is over :)

Friday is like Wednesday where everything starts semi early because I have to wake up and catch the bus but my first class isn't until 9h00, which is History.(we have a 10-15 min break) Then after that class I have French for an hour. After French I have Euro History in English, which i enjoy not because its in English but I love the history of Europe. Then I have lunch until 13h30 . After that I have the option thing where I go to Art for 2 hours. Then After that I have Anglais R. Then THE WEEKEND. On Friday nights I usually relax from the long week or a friend stays over.

Secrets Secrets are no fun unless they're shared with everyone.



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